Hope in Koalabata

By Lineo Segoete The word merry in “Merry Christmas” has been perverted to mean excessive lewd and riotous behaviour (never mind the toll it has on the wallet). Truth is regardless of our varied religious orientations what puts the merry in Christmas is the opportunity to be selfless and express love unconditionally. For Thato Child and YouthContinue reading “Hope in Koalabata”

Place of the Cannibals – Malimong

By Lineo Segoete Lesotho, a place that resembles the feeling of being wrapped in the warm arms and voluptuous bosom of a favourite grandmother, a feeling transfixed in her enigmatic mountains and meandering valleys basking under clean clear skies, is home to many unknown and remarkable gems of nature. Among them are the Kome CavesContinue reading “Place of the Cannibals – Malimong”

Rea qapa – We create

By Lineo Segoete Originally posted on Morija.co.ls Friday October 25 marked a ground-breaking development for the Morija Arts Centre when the Germond Art Library was added to its assemblage in an official launch held in the Morija Printing Works canteen. The Art Centre through Linotšing Studios and Maeder House Gallery, has grown steadily since 2011 when itContinue reading “Rea qapa – We create”

Walking for awareness – Together in pink

By Lineo Segoete My maternal grandmother’s older sister died of cancer that had spread from her breasts to her brain in 2000. The cancer escalated in spite of the removal of both of her breasts and intense chemo therapy, a battle that lasted for as long as I knew to name the difference between theContinue reading “Walking for awareness – Together in pink”

Vibing and ting at the poolside

By Lineo Segoete The Victoria hotel poolside became a historical venue this past Saturday when the first Summa Mashup dancehall gig was hosted by Raggavybz. By now everyone is familiar with the weekly dancehall sessions held at Meloding but this time, the organisers took it to the outdoors, to a more fitting set up. ThereContinue reading “Vibing and ting at the poolside”