Lesotho Film Festival at The Hub

The Hub hosted Lesotho Film Festival on November 23, 2022. We enjoyed watching local films about Bacha Shutdown, heritage in the Morija region, and more! The afternoon left us inspired to keep creating and telling stories from Lesotho. Two of The Hub’s films are part of the festival this year: Ke Batla Ho Bua byContinue reading “Lesotho Film Festival at The Hub”

Weekend Workshop: Human Rights

From July 13-14, 2019, The Hub hosted Lineo Badia for a weekend workshop on Human Rights, and documenting Human Rights stories. Lineo is an experienced human rights lawyer and activist. She volunteers her time and skills to promote youth participation and protection of the rights of the vulnerable, with particular interest in women, children and the LGBTIQ community in Lesotho. On Sunday, participantsContinue reading “Weekend Workshop: Human Rights”

The Hub’s film crew is growing

The current unemployment rate in Lesotho averages 28%, with youth unemployment at an estimated 38%. With projects like film making and photography, The Hub aims to capacitate young people with digital media skills that will help them to pursue employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. The Hub’s film crew has started shooting a short film based onContinue reading “The Hub’s film crew is growing”

The irony of being a puppet

By Lineo Segoete French street artist Christophe Evette backed by a solid association with kindred artists in his circle, decided he would start a revolution through telling stories of his life, his country and those from around the world using puppets. Absurd as the idea may sound, in 1998 he and his companions conceived LesContinue reading “The irony of being a puppet”

Pusha Love Chomees – Start Living!

Originally posted by Kick4Life By Leila Hall It is a hot summer afternoon in Maseru, Lesotho. On the rooftop of one of the buildings at Kick4Life, a group of young people are sitting in a circle with their heads bent, quietly writing. The silence is broken only by the shouts of children playing down below.Continue reading “Pusha Love Chomees – Start Living!”