Dams and archaeology in Lesotho

Metolong Authority and the Lesotho Heritage Network host discussion on how to build dams in Lesotho and save cultural heritage.  The Metolong Dam represents a major advance for Lesotho, not only because it will provide clean, treated water to so many people and businesses in the west of the country, but also because it hasContinue reading “Dams and archaeology in Lesotho”

Morija Fun Day at the Museum

On May 1st 2014, Morija Museum & Archives (MMA) held a Fun Day for children and teenagers living in Morija. Schools in the town were invited to participate, and students were given free reign to prepare any performance of their choice. Young people of all ages, from under 5s to young adults, gathered to watchContinue reading “Morija Fun Day at the Museum”

The irony of being a puppet

By Lineo Segoete French street artist Christophe Evette backed by a solid association with kindred artists in his circle, decided he would start a revolution through telling stories of his life, his country and those from around the world using puppets. Absurd as the idea may sound, in 1998 he and his companions conceived LesContinue reading “The irony of being a puppet”

Pusha Love Chomees – Start Living!

Originally posted by Kick4Life By Leila Hall It is a hot summer afternoon in Maseru, Lesotho. On the rooftop of one of the buildings at Kick4Life, a group of young people are sitting in a circle with their heads bent, quietly writing. The silence is broken only by the shouts of children playing down below.Continue reading “Pusha Love Chomees – Start Living!”

Hope in Koalabata

By Lineo Segoete The word merry in “Merry Christmas” has been perverted to mean excessive lewd and riotous behaviour (never mind the toll it has on the wallet). Truth is regardless of our varied religious orientations what puts the merry in Christmas is the opportunity to be selfless and express love unconditionally. For Thato Child and YouthContinue reading “Hope in Koalabata”