An Arts Residency for Grammar School Children

For over 17 years, Grammy Award winner Bunny Hull (songwriter of Patti LaBelle’s classic “New Attitude,” among others) has been conducting music and writing workshops for children. Through her experiences, Bunny developed a highly acclaimed children’s book series called Young Masters Little Wisdom, and eventually mounted a one-time only performance piece called “Secrets of the Heart”Continue reading “An Arts Residency for Grammar School Children”

Visit Morija!

We invite you to enjoy the rich history, arts & culture of the peoples of Lesotho. Whether you are from Lesotho, or Southern African or from another part of the global family, you will be welcome in Morija, Lesotho. Explore for yourself the wonders of this multi-faceted and unique heritage site. If you cannot comeContinue reading “Visit Morija!”

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

This is a re-post from Huffington Post by Sir Ken Robinson. I’ve spoken twice at TED. The first time was in 2006. TED was a very different event then. It was a private conference for about 1,200 people. After the event, the talks were packaged in a box set of DVDs and sent just toContinue reading “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”

A Vegan Diet (Hugely) Helpful Against Cancer

If you’re anything like me, the “C” word leaves you trembling. But today there is very good news to report: Research suggests you can improve your odds of never getting cancer and/or improve your chances of recovering from it. Not with a drug or surgery, although those methods might be quite effective. This is allContinue reading “A Vegan Diet (Hugely) Helpful Against Cancer”

Inspired by Malala

We Must Make School Accessible to the World’s Children When Malala Yousafzai was targeted and shot by the Taliban in Pakistan on October 9th, simply for wanting to go to school, the whole world of education was changed forever. Globally, 32 million girls do not yet go to primary school and since October 9th, thousandsContinue reading “Inspired by Malala”