Digital Arts for Climate Change Education

From July – December 2023, in partnership the Embassy of France in South Africa, The Hub took a creative, collaborative and participatory approach to raising awareness and seeking solutions to climate change and related social issues with digital arts for change – through animation, design, photography, and music production.

According to Help Lesotho: “Girls and women are the most affected during climatic shocks. The impact of climate change on females is intrinsically linked to gender inequity and violations of their human rights and dignity.

  • Droughts can mean that girls and women must travel further each day searching for water and firewood, increasing their workload, limiting their ability to attend school, earn income and invest in their careers, and exposes them to risks of violence.
  • Girls and women are more likely to be living in poverty and have less control over resources, making them more vulnerable to food insecurity. During food and water shortages, girls and women are more likely to sacrifice their own health (by choice and by force) in favour of providing for their spouses, children, or other family members.
  • The stress of natural disasters and food insecurity destabilizes patriarchal relationships, often leading to increased gender-based violence at the hands of stressed men.
  • Desperate families unable to feed their daughters often resort to early/forced marriages as a means of ridding themselves of another mouth to feed.
  • Environmental stressors lead to the rise of organizations that engage in human trafficking and extreme labour exploitation, most often targeted at girls and women who are vulnerable and desperate.”

The Hub strives to empower girls and women by narrating stories that emphasize the development of their resilience. The goal is to enhance their ability to navigate challenges and make optimal decisions for the well-being and safety of themselves and their families. Providing girls and women with confidence, effective decision-making strategies, and a belief in their leadership abilities makes them less susceptible to vulnerability, fostering individuals who persevere in the face of adversity.


Lehoatata (Desert) is a short claymation film produced during an 8-day workshop in October 2023, led by Matty Monethi and Thato Mokhali, with 4 high school students from Skills & Soup and The Hub’s interns participating in the production.

Lehoatata (Desert) was published on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and start of 16-Days of Activism Against GBV, and has 124,000+ views on Facebook.

Love the soundtrack? An original song was produced at The Hub for the soundtrack titled Phaphamang featuring youth from The Hub. Phaphamang features Thembi Mapefane, Black Dash and Tokelo the Young Prince, and was produced by Bow Lazer and T Mech.

The facilitators of the animation workshop were guests on the Hub Talk Podcast in November. Tune in for a captivating conversation that guides us through a creative journey and the unique experiences shared by Matty Monethi and Thato Mokhali.

Educational exhibition

The Hub also produced an outdoor exhibition with educational posters about climate change, climate justice and gender justice. The exhibition will be permanently installed on The Hub’s long high visibility and traffic fenceline. The exhibition is free and open for everyone to access!

The Hub will invite schools for tours of the exhibition in January 2024.

Wire art against single-use plastic

With extra wire from the exhibition, and to draw attention to issues around single-use plastic and lack of waste management in Morija, The Hub’s logo was created from wire and filled with plastic waste. The logo was produced by 16-year-old Katleho Nkakole, who builds electric cars and boats from wire and plastic that run on phone batteries. He is among 30+ youth from Morija for whom The Hub is currently raising funds for 2024 school fees.

Special thanks to the Embassy of France in South Africa for making these projects possible!