#16Days Video

86% of women in Lesotho have experienced some form of gender based violence (Gender Links, 2015).

Today The Hub is taking part in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by launching a video produced by our students for #16 days of activism against gender based violence (GBV).

“We cannot achieve gender equality in Lesotho when the country’s rates of GBV are so high. Our study found that many women do not report incidences of GBV because in our culture, a woman is not expected to talk about what happens in the home. If a woman is beaten by her husband, she is not expected to speak about it in public. It is seen as a private matter.” –  ‘Manteboheleng Mabetha, Gender Links Lesotho

Special thanks to Inside Out Media for providing us with the Macbook Pro and Creative Suite we use for editing, and to Selibeng sa Thuto Trust for the large monitor. Thanks also to Patronella Diedricks and Henri Marbacher for their tips on how to make improvements to the video.