Teaching computer skills to LNCW students

Since March 8th 2016 (International Women’s Day), The Hub has been holding weekly computer skills training with students from the Morija chapter of Lesotho National Council of Women’s (LNCW) vocational schools. The group consists of 14 girls, many of whom are orphans or vulnerable youth. They study sewing for a period of two years.

The Hub sponsors this activity, and enables the girls to come at no cost to them or their school. Some of the lessons so far include:

  • creating text documents
  • creating spread sheets
  • typing, formatting text
  • setting up an email address
  • using Google Drive
  • copying, pasting between documents, email
  • attaching documents, images to email

The computer skills training improves not only the students’ computer literacy, but also provides The Hub volunteers with a platform to strengthen their teaching and facilitation skills.

For more information about LNCW visit their website: http://lncw.org/