Weekend Workshop: Storytelling in Photography

From October 4-5, 2019 The Hub hosted Leila Hall and Meri Hyöky for a Weekend Workshop on Storytelling in Photography. The topic was climate change and environmental destruction. Participants documented different focus themes, including #deforestation, water supplies, #drought and litter. they received group feedback on their photos, and went out to take more photos based onContinue reading “Weekend Workshop: Storytelling in Photography”

Traces of the French in Morija

Exhibition of photography by volunteers of The Hub documenting the history of the French in Lesotho, a project completed for Alliance Française de Maseru in March 2017.

January Weekend Workshop: Photography

In 2017 The Hub is hosting monthly weekend workshops that are teaching a range of skills, including photography, film-making, women’s rights and gender based violence, and ways to meaningfully address and tackle relevant socio-economic issues such as gender-based violence and human rights. January’s weekend workshop on photography was held from Saturday 28 – Sunday 29,Continue reading “January Weekend Workshop: Photography”

Morena Leraba: Blending Our Stories with Modern Sound

Morena Leraba: Blending Our Stories with Modern Sound | Documentary Screening Place: The Hub (Morija Museum & Archives) Date: Thursday December 1st Time: 15:00 The Hub is pleased to announce that a documentary, Morena Leraba: Blending Our Stories with Modern Sound, by a Johannesburg-based company, Blacknation Media will be screening at The Hub (Morija Museum &Continue reading “Morena Leraba: Blending Our Stories with Modern Sound”