Mosotho Woman

By: Lineo Segoete I sat down for hot chocolate with two friends one morning to brainstorm ways in which we could pay reverence toward women, being that it was women’s month. We sought an angle that would directly address the perils women face without taking the typical approach of men-bashing and what I consider: “dryContinue reading “Mosotho Woman”

The ethnicity debate

By: Lineo Segoete A little girl once asked me why people who have an inclination to art are usually ethnocentric; particular to this scenario she was asking why many African artists are Afrocentric. The only answer I could come up with would be my personal experience. It comes naturally! A man’s main driver is theContinue reading “The ethnicity debate”

Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument

Originally posted by Sekese Rasephei I was first introduced to Debate in secondary school back in 2004 at Mazenod High School. To this day, I remain forever grateful to have been introduced to such a phenomenal activity and I shall stay indebted to MZHS for having given me that platform. That’s how it all started,Continue reading “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument”

Change will not kill you, but fear will.

By: Lineo Segoete On one of my many trips to Morija, I stared out the window and marvelled at the landscape then a thought came to mind as I mused over why Lesotho is developing at such a slow pace. I concluded that it was because of fear. People are so consumed in fear thatContinue reading “Change will not kill you, but fear will.”

All Shades of God

By: Lineo Segoete Morena Moshoeshoe said; ha fela u amohela Sesotho u Mosotho (so long as you adopt Sesotho-ways and customs- you are Mosotho). In this country no one is really a foreigner; everyone is welcomed with the same courtesy as a visiting cousin. Here, majority of white men and women of various national backgroundsContinue reading “All Shades of God”